Focus on Inclusive Growth as a VPE
Inclusive Growth - Powai Toastmasters Club
It is a well-understood fact that growth cannot be in isolation. I grow, you don’t grow. You grow, I don’t grow will never work. It can only be “We all grow together”, and this is applicable in all spheres of life. We have also applied the same to our learning and based on that the Clubs Excom has taken various initiatives. The ideas are considered and discussed before implementing or to be kept in the Idea Bank for future reference.
A membership drive was taken up by the VPM and it has led to a so-called deluge of new members. We had prepared a couple of posters for the meeting hall to make it attractive and appropriate paging is also done on the meeting day. Best Speaker, Evaluator, and Table Topics Master are being felicitated by handing over cards. The other initiatives are:
- Planning Marathon meetings.
- Offering a chance to new members to speak and learn.
- Icebreaker Specials.
- Ladies Specials.
- Special Session after the regular meeting.
- Mentor Mentee guidance.
- Ten Year Anniversary celebrations.
- Mile-stone-based celebrations and recognitions.
The basic idea is that the new member doesn’t feel like a “Pariah”. Above all this, we planned our meeting dates considering holidays, vacation periods, and festivals, well in advance. The members are also encouraged to book slots in the upcoming meetings to make them comfortable. The VPE calls not only the new members, making them come out of their shells but other regular members to discuss issues, if they don’t attend a couple of meetings, which may be due to personal issues or office exigencies or exam period.
I had indeed developed a personal rapport with all the members which had formed into a healthy bond and the seed of “Inclusive Growth” has germinated, based on the guidance and support of the members of the immediate Past President, Excom members, and the President.